Tuesday, June 11, 2013

I Survived!

It's been about a week since my last post, and I have to apologize for taking so long to update.  Spending so much time with Chad's family was exhausting, partially because we were doing so much, and partially because I was eating so badly.  There was at least one day where I had a sugar buzz all day long, which leaves you feeling pretty grouchy the next day, by the way.

By Saturday, the last day his brother was in town, I was pretty much done with it.  I told Chad that I had to avoid sugar at all costs, because it was making me feel terrible.  I was also done with bread and potatoes.  Bleck!

So Sunday, Chad and I returned to our regularly scheduled eating plan.  Eggs and bacon for breakfast, lunch meat and cheese for lunch, and some locally raised goat kabobs for dinner (which were surprisingly good), with lots of veggies and some fruit thrown in.

I have lots to write about, but it's 7:30 and I need to get downstairs and pack Chad his lunch.

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