Below are some lists of blogs and websites I visit frequently or that I feel would be useful to someone just starting on the low-carb, natural living lifestyle.
Low-Carb, Paleo, and Primal Links:
Fat Head Blog: An awesome low-carb blog that goes deep into the science of nutrition, with lots of laughter along the way.
Fat Head Movie on Youtube: A great documentary with a witty, in depth look at what's really causing us to get fat. You can watch it for free on Youtube, and the producer still makes a little profit.
Diet Doctor: A really cool Swedish doctor telling it like it is.
Livin' La Vida Low-Carb Blog: Jimmy Moore is the king of low-carb, and has some of the best, most informative podcasts out there.
Mark's Daily Apple: One of the most informative websites for primal living.
Wheat Belly Blog: Dr. Davis is a really smart guy trying to convince the world to stop eating wheat, especially modern wheat.
Weston A. Price Foundation: An excellent resource for the health benefits of a traditional diet.
Linda's Low Carb Recipes: My favorite low-carb recipe site. Tons of recipes and each is rated and most have pictures.
Gardening, Farming, and Country Living Links:
Square Foot Gardening Forum: A great group of folks dedicated to the Square Foot Gardening method who are always willing to answer questions and help newbies.
Gardener's Garden Planner: This is the garden planner I use every year. It's simple, it's free, and it's printable. What more could you want?
Polyface Farms: Polyface Farms is a really cool farm that uses natural techniques to raise lots of food in a small space, but more importantly, it adds fertility to the land and the animals are very well taken care of.
Mike The Gardener's Free Kindle Books Page: Mike the gardener put together this cool page that lists all kinds of free gardening books for your kindle or kindle app. Books are always changing, so check back frequently.
Interactive Plant Hardiness Map: This map is cool because not only does it show you your hardiness zone, but if you type in your zip code, it will tell you everything else you need to know about your area, including last and first frost dates (very important to know).
Chickens in the Road: A cool blog, chronicling a woman and her farm.
Seed Savers Exchange: A great group of people who are dedicated to preserving heirloom seeds. They have a couple hundred kinds of seeds you can buy from their website, or become a member and get access to tens of thousands of varieties from across the world.
High Mowing Seeds: An organic seed producer and developer situated in Vermont (so it's perfect for northern growers).
Territorial Seeds: Another great seed company that produces its seeds in the Pacific Northwest.
Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds: This seed company focuses exclusively on heirloom seeds, and I think they have the best variety.
Comstock Ferre Seeds: Another heirloom seed company. They don't have much variety, and they focus on varieties that will grow in the Northeast, but I love them because their prices are silly low. Most seed packets are under $1, and shipping is about $2.50.
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